Abeer Mohamed Meeran

“Art should be experienced and not understood”

On the 29th of April, an extra ordinary artist from India was invited to Manipal University. Sujata Dharap a graduate in fine arts and has a diploma in mural design from the school of art in Mumbai.

She came to Dubai to display her works at DUCTAC in Mall of Emirates. The workshop was held at manipal university. students found it interesting and a very important learning experience. She helped them understand how artist’s style differs and how we as spectator should look at art. According to Sujata Dharap “Art should be experienced and not understood”.

She started the workshop by giving a task to the audience, to draw random shapes.  She spoke on how the hand should be let loose and not let the mind control it and let the design come naturally. Another task was to draw a face and not to lift the pencil up! She spoke about what beauty is, how the meaning of word ‘beauty’ can differ from individual to individual. The next task was to use pastels and drawing the elements of earth on a sheet and not using the obvious color pattern. The last task for the day was a group painting, using the paints red, blue and yellow. Effortless lines were drawn around on the chart paper and then were painted.

Teams at work

She concluded the day by showing a presentation which had art piece from the past to this modern era. How traditional art change to graphic art. A very interactive workshop where students saw art from an industry perspective .

Art creations by the groups

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