Abeer Mohamed Meeran


Portraying Violence 

This photograph below is an award winning photograph. This photograph won 1st place for World Press Photo for the year 2010

Aisha Bibi – Photographed by Jodi Bieber

Her name is Aisha Bibi. She was photographed by Jodi Bieber from South African who works for time magazine. Aisha Bibi is 18 from Afghanistan. She is married and her husband and in- laws ill-treat her. She ran to her family complaining them how he was treated at home. Her family demanded justice and later Aisha’s husband sliced her nose and ear off while her brother in law held her down. She was struck by the Taliban’s for running away from her husband’s house. She tried to tell them how badly she was treated and if she didn’t run away they could have killed her.  Later the Taliban leader announced her punishment by slicing of ears and nose. The pain was so overwhelming that she passed out. They left her in the mountains side where they left her to die. She was given such a punishment so that girl would think twice before they commit such an act again.

Aisha Bibi with her temporary nose

Aisha lives in New York now. This photograph clicked by Jodi Bieber won the World Press Photo in 2010. This photograph portrays how women are being treated. There are different levels of violence happening with women worldwide. This photograph is powerful and shows that she is confident even after what has happened with her.

Dilbert comics by Scott Adams

Dilbert comics are written by Scott Adams. Scott Adams is the originator of Dilbert comics. His work was noticed in the 90s which spread worldwide. He writes about social and mental issues of the employees working in large corporations. He worked in a banker as a day job and worked on his comic strip early mornings, evenings and on weekends.


He drew based on experiences with his co-workers and passed times. He created the characters and used for his day to day presentations which were enjoyed. As it was when the character Dilbert emerged and name was suggested by his Co-worker.

Scott Adams with his Creation Dilbert

His work was recognized and won awards such as National Cartoonist Society Reuben Award and Newspaper Comic Strip Award for 1997.

Dilbert Comic Strip 1

Here in this comic strip we can guess the theme, outsourcing. Here the Pointy Haired Boss announces that they are getting into the tablet computer business, where they will not be producing it instead another company will be. So is the case of designing the logo. Outsourcing has become very common in business arena . In such a case the employees don’t have any work to do instead of just sitting. Scott Adams makes fun of how companies accept outsourcing.

In the above comic strip, the Pointy Haired Boss is announcing in a meeting the changes taking place in the next year. Those were the goals which should be achieved by the end of the next year. Then Asok is so frustrated with the company on him still being an intern. He being the most intelligent in the engineering team still has not got the job. When interning or getting employed in a company it is very important for the bosses to take care of their employees. Failing to do so, will affect the attitude of the worker and it will be reflected on the given work.

Here Scott Adams is trying to portrait how technology savvy we humans have become. The Pointy Haired Boss ordered Dilbert to go to Seattle for a meeting. Instead he questions him if the meeting will be with Stone Age tribe who haven’t heard of Skype. It’s not everyone that can work using Skype or any such communicating program. It’s difficult for Dilbert to understand that it takes time for everyone to understand such technological changes in this time.

In this particular comic strip, firstly the salesman is actually saying the truth. It’s very rare we will find a salesman who will be talking the truth. Secondly Scott Adams trying to say that commissions are important to keep the employees motivated. Employees tend to give their 100 percent to get the commission or bonus. Motivating employees like this will help the company profit.

Scott Adams over and over again is trying to say the importance of how the employees should be treated. employees should growas well as help the company grow. Not motivating or inspiring the organization will not be successful. In this strip, the Pointy Haired Boss is trying to help his employee but is failing by being rude and not caring. Not being interested at personal level or understanding the employee will not  allow the process of work go smoothly.

Here were some analysis of the Dilbert Comic Strip. To more of Dilbert comics click here

Real world versus Virtual reality …

“Virtual reality” has taken over us. What does it really mean? It is a non – physical fictional territory in a computer mediated world. Most of the movies produced today are sci-fi. The reason being, audience get attached to such movies which try to show a glimpse of how the future will be, or how it maybe. Movies such as Tron, matrix, blade runner, ET, etc. have the Sci- fi element or say they are science fictions.

Such movies have one ground in common they have two worlds parallel to each other. In the movie matrix it keeps the audience thinking in what is reality or if the world around is real or simulated. According to psychologists some people take it seriously about the parallel unreal world. Such problems are negative effects of these movies.

In the current times films makers try to wow the audience by getting different ideas about how the future would be like, and how the humans will be depended on the technology. The speed of in what way the technology is growing there are very good chances of the technology to overpower the human race.

Science fiction movies contain imaginative concepts such as robot, high technological devices, extra-ordinary organisms or mutants. They show how such artifacts defeat the humans. Usually such things are invented or created by scientists in search of new answers trying to take the world into a complete different level.

Tron Legacy starring Jeff Bridges, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde

Here we will be concentrating on the movies ‘Tron legacy’ and ‘The Matrix’. Both of these movies have the real world and a virtual world element to it. Tron legacy was released in 2010. This movie is about how son of Kevin FlynnSam Flynn in search of his father, ends up in the computer stimulated world created by his father “The Grid”. The Grid is a stimulated where programs fight as replicated by Kevin Flynn. His father’s invention turned bad which leads to complications. Tron legacy and matrix has used ancient codes to leave an impact to the audience. Click here to watch the trailer.

Matrix Starring Keanu Reeves,Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving.

Matrix was released in 1999. Neo aka Thomas Anderson, A computer hacker by night and a an computer programmer by  day. He was contacted Morpheus, a computer hacker and a terrorist in the real world along with Trinity another computer hacker. Neo accepted to be a part of the real world and not the world where truth is blinded.  Morpheus showed Neo how the Artificial intelligences have overpowered the human race. As Neo chose to be apart their real world, he must return to matrix and confront the agents who are powerful computer programs devoted to destroy Neo and the entire human revolution. Click here to watch the trailer.

These two movies have great stories. Matrix has executed the movie very well. Making us feel that the computer mediated world exists along with this real world. Matrix makes us question, about technology and science. How much we are depended on technology. As the movie goes in the real world and the virtual world to and for the audience can relate to the movie more.  The effects Matrix used compared to Tron legacy it was more appealing and attractive or relate with.

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